A few words on prints…

When available time or the budget doesn’t allow for the purchase of an original painting or commission, prints are an excellent option for getting artwork on your wall. Even though this option comes at a fraction of the price, the archival quality and printing methods used render a finished product that will last multiple lifetimes, putting them on the level with an original painting. Each paper print is signed in the border on the bottom right, and stretched canvas prints are signed on the back.

Prints are shipped to your door (unless you live in the area and would like to pick up your order personally), and they are delivered unframed with a white mat, which you can slide directly into a frame of your choice. This has a couple of benefits: it significantly reduces the cost and risk of shipping a frame with glass, and it allows you to pick a frame which best matches your home. Since the print is already matted when you receive it, there is no need to take the print into an art store to have it professionally framed. And additionally, this allows me to sign and date the mat instead of the border surrounding the print, which would typically be covered up by the mat during the average professional framing process.